Pall, Martina: Jewellery and other Art Treasures. Cast Iron from the Hanns Schell Collection Graz





Pall, Martina:
Jewellery and other Art Treasures. Cast Iron from the Hanns Schell Collection Graz.

The Exhibition Cataloque with 88 pages and 150 pictures in colour has been produced in collaboration with Hanns Schell Collection in Graz, Austria and the German lock- and mountings museum in Velbert, Germany because of the exhibition in Velbert “Jewellery and other Art Treasures. Cast Iron from the Hanns Schell Collection Graz, from 26.6. to 31.8.2003”.

Book in german language, Hardcover
Pages: 88
Size: 23 x 17 cm
Publisher: Hanns Schell Collection Graz, Stadt Velbert 2003